Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Margherita Pizza

This pizza is so freaking good- I made it three days in a row! Thank you Ms Kapser! I'm glad I joined KPCC now- this recipe is amazing. It doesn't make Pizza Hut type dough- it's Neopolitan style, aka cracker thin crust. When Jojo and I were in Rome, our hostel was a block from an amazing delicious and cheap pizza shop. They had their pizzas laid out like this:

Huge rectangles of crunchy deliciousness. They sliced it according to how much you were willing to pay. I think it was 3 euros for a pretty big slice.

And this recipe is FAST. Make the dough and let it rest for an hour or so, then roll it out until it's very very thin. I sprayed Pam on the tray before hand and used a wine bottle since I don't have a rolling pin.

I used my favorite tomato sauce- Trader Joe's marinara. I use this in everything, even as the base for soups.

Add mozzarella cheese.

Add some julienned basil (save the rest for later), sliced raw garlic, tomatoes and some olive oil. I based the toppings off of one of my favorite pizzas at Palomino's, especially the thin slices of raw garlic. SO GOOD!

When it's done and the cheese is nice and brown, throw some more basil on top. I like the basil slightly fried on the pizza with the fresh basil on top.

The next few days I made it with artichoke and salami. I'm going to try and find a good recipe for a dough-y pizza now, with cornmeal on the bottom.

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