If you haven't had a bacon-wrapped hot dog yet and you live in LA, you are missing out. My love of BWHD's (bacon wrapped hot dogs) was revived at a UCLA football game where I succumbed to the bacon aroma wafting from the various vendors outside the stadium. I was a little iffy about what kind of hot dogs and bacon they use so I decided to make my own (also they were charging $4 for one).

I also spiced it up a little by
pickling red onions. I really
like the idea of canning, jamming and pickling food, but I am also hooked by my overactive imagination and 20/20 specials on botulism. This is one baby step towards becoming a canning/jamming/pickling superstar. Also this was an excuse to get some pickling/mason jars, which I love so very much. The pickled red onions sparked the pickle-love in my roommate Jer and now there are ample supplies of pickled onions in our fridge, at all times. I pickled mine for about 2 days and at that point they were 70% rice wine vinegar and only 30% onion-y so I drained the pickling juice and replaced it with water.

And to make this worthy of a blog post, I made my own
hot dog buns. This was surprisingly easy- it was no baguette. It's basically white bread dough shaped into hot dog bugs. They were tasty, especially when lightly brushed with some bacon fat. And yes you will have more hot dogs buns than hot dogs, but they were tasty on their own for sandwiches.

Ok, hopefully you know how to cook a hot dog? Wrap a nice thick cut of bacon around the hot dog, overlap a bit. I had to stick a toothpick in both ends of the bacon to keep it on the dog, but I pulled them out after it cooked for a bit so I could get all of the bacon fat rendered out. I prefer my BWHD closer to burnt so I cooked mine til they were very, very crispy. Also I made this on my ridged cast iron skillet so it was a little bit closer to being grilled. This also prevented the hot dog from being deep fried in bacon fat (too much bacon already).
BWHD + pickled red onions = SUCCESS