I've had this recipe (from Use Real Butter) bookmarked for a LONG time. I've been hesitant to make it because with all the rolling and flattening, I figured it'd take a long time. And since you're spreading oil onto the dough and then rolling it out and flattening it- I thought it'd be a big mess as well. I was completely wrong- they go fast, once you get the hang out it and they weren't that messy (I did it all on a wee little cutting board). I ended up making it today because I had a bunch of extra green onions.
I love green onion pancakes! They're so crispy and salty- mmmmm! I usually buy them frozen, but I thought I'd try to make them. They're really cheap to make, the only ingredients are flour, warm water, salt, oil and green onions.
First of all, these are small pancakes- like 5-6 inches across. I was kinda surprised since the frozen ones can be a foot across. SALT LIBERALLY. I thought I was overdoing it, but they came out great. I use the back of a wooden cutting board to do my kneading and dough work... my counter is not the cleanest place. You'll notice my "rolling pin" in the middle. It's my salt shaker wrapped in plastic wrap and dusted with flour. Hey, it works!
Flatten it a bit more and then fry it- these taste best fresh (like most fried foods).
Yamme...I love this green-onion pancake.