Hiatus. Over. Time to get serious with more food. To start, let's catch up with what I've been cooking up the last few months.
I don't really know the name of this one, so I kind of just made it up. It's a not-so-common Chinese dish, perhaps exclusively Cantonese, and it has always made a yummy meal for my family. This recipe is adapted from my mother, but of course I spruced it up quite a bit for flavor and enjoyment. :)
Ingredients4 eggs, scrambled with 1 tsp salt, or to taste
2 packets of the Banh Boc Loc noodles
¼ cup canola oil
1 lb char siu meat, chopped (can substitute with shrimp)
(everything below is “or to taste”)
1 bag or 3 handfuls of soy bean sprouts
¼ cup soy sauce
4 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tsp black pepper
1 tsp seasame oil*
a pinch of white pepper*
1 tsp ginger powder*
3 cloves minced garlic*
Directions1. I starred* the ingredients you probably can go without and it will taste relatively the same.
2. Heat oil in pan at medium to medium-high heat until it is less viscous/can move around easily.
3. Add garlic; when it starts browning throw in noodles and sprouts. Cook for 2 mins.
4. Add char siu. Continue adding the rest of the ingredients in no particular order, and stir well as you go.
5. Total cooking time should be about 10-15 minutes. Taste the noodles--when they are soft then the dish is about ready.
6. Lastly add in the pre-scrambled eggs and oyster sauce. Stir for a minute before turning off heat.
Makes about 6 servings. It's really good. So my question is: why hasn't AllRecipes.com accepted my recipe? Maybe because they haven't tasted it yet...